Friday, January 15, 2010

Closing Statement....thanks for a great semester everyone!

This semester has been a fast-track process and throughout the process we have learned about many inspirational social movements. From the women's movement to gay liberation movement, I think it is safe to say, we are all officially experts on social movements. In addition to learning about different social movements, we have all diligently worked on research for a social movement of our choosing. For me, the pro-life v. pro-choice social movement has put me on a roller coaster of emotions. With that being said, for my final opinion, I will state that I am a pro-life supporter, however, the pro-both movement makes a compelling argument! As the articles posted below will demonstrate, abortions, specifically late term abortions are wrong. This debate is not entirely black and white and neither is my opinion. The high amount of abortions performed in the United States is a bi-product of several factors. First, contraceptive use needs to be more accessible for people, especially young people. Furthermore, a more comprehensive sex-education must be administered to the youth of this nation immediately! A more current debate covered on all major news stations is the Health Care reform debate. Much controversy followed after the Senate voted to prohibit (as current law already states) federal subsides to find abortions. Furthermore, universal health care will not cover abortion expenses. The legislation addresses the concerns of the majority of Americans that do not want their tax dollars spent to fund abortions.

Addressing the abortion debate is not as simple as either making abortions legal or illegal. While most states ban late-term abortions, some still see these procedures as legal. Enraged by doctors who perform such procedures, one extremist was driven to murder Dr. George Tiller. There has to be some common ground that will make the majority happy. There will always be extremists on each side of the abortion debate. The most informative resource (and resource I could relate to) was the "pro-both" movement. The pro-both movement seeks to reduce the amount of abortions performed annually, yet wants to provide women with resources in the event of extreme circumstances (rape, incest, health risk, etc). Additionally, the pro-both movement is rooted in two viewpoints 1)that our society must seek to make abortion a rarity and 2)society must not infringe on a women's right to control her reproductive choices. This may appear to be conflicting principles, however, the pro-both movement argues that as a society we must work to prevent unplanned pregnancies rather than condoning abortions as a substitution to birth control.

Both the pro-life and pro-choice movements are valid in their arguments. Pro-choice supporters feel that women have a right to choose what happens to their bodies. Further, they do not see a fetus as human life therefore, abortion is not murder. Pro-life supporters see life as beginning at conception and ending at natural death. Any obstruction to an unborn fetus is murder. Both sides have contrasting interests while the pro-both movement seeks to find a middle ground.

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